Asterisk channel state values. Create a new channel (originate).

See the States and Presence section for a diagram showing the relationship of all the various states. Description¶ Gets or sets Caller*ID data on the channel. This allows the state of a SIP device to be applied to the Local channel for request_uri - The request URI of the incoming 'INVITE' associated with the creation of this channel. RINGING - The outbound channel is ringing. The VOLUME function can be used to increase or decrease the 'tx' or 'rx' gain of any channel. Generated Version¶ The DEVICE_STATE function can be used to retrieve the device state from any device state provider. The official Asterisk Project repository. TalkingToChan - BRIDGEPEER value on agent channel. ast_bridge_capability ; ast_bridge_channel_state enum ; ast_bridge_write_result ${SYSTEMNAME} * - value of the systemname option of asterisk. 38 faxing is disabled on this channel. h files in order to make use of PJSIP functions. 38 fax. Channel is off-hook. Channel Arguments¶. For example: NoOp(1234@default has state ${EXTENSION_STATE(1234)}) NoOp(4567@home has state ${EXTENSION_STATE(4567@home)}) The possible values returned by this function are: dstchannel - Destination channel. See full list on docs. Linkedid - Uniqueid of the oldest channel associated with this channel. POST /channels/create As you might imagine, the create operation will create an outgoing channel; but, unlike the regular originate operation, the channel will be immediately placed into your ARI application, without Content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. off - Turn muting off. DAHDIChannel - The DAHDI channel associated with this channel. Application - Application currently executing on the channel. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License v3. We will use these later in the tutorial. In order to correctly determine the state of a device in Asterisk, we need to enable call counters in sip. duration - Duration of the call. ¶ Certified Asterisk 18. Queries the status of the channel indicated by channelname or, if no channel is specified, the current channel. 'AnnounceChannel' has no bearing on the actual state of the parked call. lastapp - Last application. EffectiveConnectedLineName. Additional arguments may be available from the channel driver; see its documentation for CHANNEL STATUS¶ Synopsis¶ Returns status of the connected channel. PROCEEDING - The call to the outbound channel is proceeding. B - Instead of whispering on a single channel barge in on both channels involved in the call. Channel - The channel you want to mute. 1 - Channel is down, but reserved. Description¶. Content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. h,pjsip_ua. DAHDIGroup - The DAHDI logical group associated with this channel. u - Retrieves the Content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. PROGRESS - Progress has been received on the outbound channel. conf Variables present in Asterisk 11 and forward: ¶ Each section has one or more configuration options that can be assigned a value by using an equal sign followed by a value. Present if Status value is 'AGENT_ONCALL'. I tried using channel_status command from agi some times it is giving me channel is down and available even when channel is up. Asterisk 12 Bridging API Asterisk 12 Bridging API Table of contents . DNID - Dialed number identifier. (from the PBX) all - Set muting on inbound and outbound audio streams. Now I want to get the channel status of the channel which is in the confbridge (alive or not). 3 - Digits (or equivalent The UniqueID can be any globally unique identifier provided by the ARI client. The value of the global variable remains unchanged at 5, however, and any other channels that refer to the global variable ${foo} would still get the value 5. In addition, you can set your own extra variables by using Set(CDR(name)=value). CHANNEL and CHANNELS¶ CHANNEL Gets or sets various pieces of information about the channel. 1. LoggedInTime - Epoche time when the agent logged in. Duration - The amount of time the channel has existed. [Description] Implements a shared variable area, in which you may share variables between channels. There are two levels of parameter evaluation done in the Asterisk dial plan in extensions. Class To set a variable to a particular value, do: exten => 1,2,Set(varname=value) You can substitute the value of a variable everywhere using $ {variablename}. Asterisk . Asterisk includes a wide variety of functions. h. Enumerations . Create a new channel (originate). See Also¶ Dialplan Functions TALK_DETECT; AMI Events ChannelTalkingStart; Generated Version¶ This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch 18 using version GIT Yes, you can use function SHARED. Message not compatible with call Linkedid - Uniqueid of the oldest channel associated with this channel. For example: NoOp(1234@default has state ${EXTENSION_STATE(1234)}) NoOp(4567@home has state ${EXTENSION_STATE(4567@home)}) The possible values returned by this function are: Extension state is the state of an Asterisk extension, as opposed to the direct state of a device or a user. Channel is down, but reserved. These status fields are unique for each application. BridgeId - Identifier of the bridge the channel is in, may be empty if not in one. If no channel name is given then returns the status of the current channel. DAHDISpan - The DAHDI span associated with this channel. Syntax¶ Event: Newstate Channel: <value> ChannelState: <value> ChannelStateDesc: Certified Asterisk 20. Syntax¶ Event: Newstate Channel: <value> ChannelState: <value This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch 16 DestLinkedid - Uniqueid of the oldest channel associated with this channel. State. 7 Documentation . After that, we will need the pjsip. DialStatus - The new state of the outbound dial attempt. In Asterisk, we have two different types of variables: channel variables and global variables . Direction. To submit comments, corrections, or other contributions to the text, please visit Aug 24, 2016 · In Asterisk 14, much more flexibility is provided by splitting the operation in two parts: channel creation and channel dialing. If they are the caller, they are automatically the Party A in the CDR. DestLinkedid - Uniqueid of the oldest channel associated with this channel. h, and pjlib. userfield - The channel's user specified field. If position is unspecified the first channel is returned. Asterisk Versions Report Documentation Issues Contribute to the Documentation: Asterisk Documentation . Present if Status value is 'AGENT_IDLE' or 'AGENT_ONCALL'. Channel unacceptable 98. DISABLED - T. Asterisk 12 Bridging Project . Set or get the TX or RX volume of a channel. LOCAL_REINVITE - Asterisk has sent a 're-INVITE' to the remote end to initiate a T. By enabling call counters, we’re telling Asterisk to track the active calls for a device so that this information can be reported back to the channel module and the state can be accurately reflected in our queues. Check Extension Status. This is the default state of a CDR. The first, and most frequently used, is the substitution of variable references with their values. t38state - The current state of any T. 9 Documentation . Colp) [ASTERISK-27740] – chan_sip: New Channel creation from new SIP dialog with Replaces failed to be properly tracked and destroyed (Reported by Shannon Price) [ASTERISK-27786] – app_confbridge: Add ability to enable and configure REMB support dstchannel - Destination channel. Description¶ The EXTENSION_STATE function can be used to retrieve the state from any hinted extension. ChannelTalkingStart Channel: <value> ChannelState: ChannelState - A numeric code for the channel's current state, ExtensionState¶ Synopsis¶. Returns the caller channel at position in the specified queuename. EXTENSION_STATE()¶ Synopsis¶ Get an extension's state. Uses channel callerid by default or optional callerid, if specified. (see ConfigOption and Value below)These options and values are the configuration for a particular component of functionality provided by the configuration object's respective Asterisk modules. org VOLUME()¶ Synopsis¶. Timeout - Overrides the timeout of the parking lot for this park The variable must be set before a call to the application that starts the channel that may eventually transfer back into the dialplan, and must be inherited by that channel, so prefix it with the '_' or '__' when setting (or set it in the pre-dial handler executed on the new channel). The allowable values for the name-charset field are the following: unknown - Unknown. All code in Asterisk starts by including asterisk. The variables used in this space are separate from the general namespace of the channel and thus Content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. Description¶ Returns the status of the specified channelname. h and asterisk/res_pjsip_session. 0. sequence - CDR sequence number. 2 - Channel is off hook. conf ${ENTITYID} * - Global Entity ID set automatically, or from asterisk. Return caller at the specified position in a queue. options. Here is a simple example. Initializing search . Here we'll show you a few commonly used functions and a selection of others to give you an idea of what you can do. 38 fax on this channel. Asterisk External IVR Interface¶. Certified Asterisk 18. Any channel variables created by Asterisk will have names that are completely upper-case, but for your own channels you can name them however you would like. channel - Channel name. See Also¶ Dialplan Functions TALK_DETECT; AMI Events ChannelTalkingStart; Generated Version¶ This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch certified/20. u - Retrieves the stasis¶. These variables can be output into a text-format CDR by using the cdr_custom CDR driver; see the cdr_custom. chanprefix. 3. . exten => 1,1,Set(COUNT=3) exten => 1,n,SayNumber(${COUNT}) In the second line of this example, Asterisk replaces the $ {COUNT} text with the value of the COUNT originate¶ POST /channels¶. Return values: 0. Channel is down and available. This configuration documentation is for functionality provided by stasis. The new channel is created immediately and a snapshot of it returned. b - Only spy on channels involved in a bridged call. The reason for state_interface is that if you're using a channel that does not have device state itself (for example, if you were using the Local channel to deliver a call to an end point) then you could assign the device state of a SIP device to the pseudo channel. iso8859-1 - ISO8859-1 Linkedid - Uniqueid of the oldest channel associated with this channel. f - Returns billsec or duration fields as floating point values. conf. 0 United States License. Asterisk Value ISDN Cause codes (Q. Type - Type of channel. ChannelTalkingStart Channel: <value> ChannelState: ChannelState - A numeric code for the channel's current state, EXTENSION_STATE()¶ Synopsis¶ Get an extension's state. Configuration File: stasis. h is what allows us to be res_rtp_asterisk: Add support for sending RTCP feedback messages (Reported by Joshua C. It is the aggregate of Device state from devices mapped to the extension through a hint directive. 931 unless specified) AST_CAUSE_CHANNEL_UNACCEPTABLE: 6. Single - a channel is executing dialplan in Asterisk or otherwise has no relationship with any other channel. Class AnnounceChannel - If specified, then this channel will receive an announcement when 'Channel' is parked if 'AnnounceChannel' is in a state where it can receive announcements (AnnounceChannel must be bridged). If the extension has a hint, will use devicestate to check the status of the device connected to the extension. in - Set muting on inbound audio stream. For example: NoOp(SIP/mypeer has state ${DEVICE_STATE(SIP/mypeer)}) NoOp(Conference number 1234 has state ${DEVICE_STATE(MeetMe:1234)}) The DEVICE_STATE function can also be used to set custom device state from the dialplan. Return values: 0 - Channel is down and available. on - Turn muting on. request_uri - The request URI of the incoming 'INVITE' associated with the creation of this channel. 4), by Jim van Meggelen, Jared Smith, and Leif Madsen. . sample file in the configs directory for an example of how to do this. Duration - The length in time, in milliseconds, that talking was detected on the channel. This application implements a simple protocol for bidirectional communication with an external process, while simultaneously playing audio files to the connected channel (without interruption or blocking). CallStarted - Epoche time when the agent started talking with the caller. If a Stasis application is provided it will be automatically subscribed to the originated channel for further events and updates. core show function SHARED -= Info about function 'SHARED' =- [Synopsis] Gets or sets the shared variable specified. You are reading Asterisk: The Future of Telephony (2nd Edition for Asterisk 1. Inheritance of Channel Variables QUEUE_GET_CHANNEL()¶ Synopsis¶. Contribute to asterisk/asterisk development by creating an account on GitHub. Returns: failure: 200 result=-1 success: 200 result=<status> <status> values: 0 Channel is down and available 1 Channel is down, but reserved 2 Channel is off hook 3 Digits (or equivalent) have been dialed 4 Line is ringing 5 Remote end is ringing 6 Line is up 7 Line is busy request_uri - The request URI of the incoming 'INVITE' associated with the creation of this channel. Report the extension state for given extension. The pres field gets/sets a combined value for name-pres and num-pres. so in your Asterisk instance, you will have an ExternalIVR application available in your dialplan. Generated Version¶ This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch 21 Raised when a channel's state changes. Raised when a channel's state changes. Class¶ CLASS. If the ARI client does not provide a UniqueID to the channel, then Asterisk will assign one to the channel itself. Class¶ CALL. asterisk. (to the PBX) out - Set muting on outbound audio stream. By default, it uses an epoch timestamp with a monotonically increasing integer, optionally along with the Asterisk system name. CHANNEL . some time it is not returning any value. Dial - a channel is involved in a dial operation - either as a caller or as the callee. 850 & Q. Application return values. conf¶ [threadpool]: Settings that configure the threadpool Stasis uses to deliver some messages. Asterisk Gets or sets Caller*ID data on the channel. Mar 21, 2005 · If no channel name is given the returns the status of the current channel. To get all headers of the REFER message, set the value to ''. If you load app_externalivr. See Also¶ Dialplan Functions TALK_DETECT; AMI Events ChannelTalkingStart; Generated Version¶ This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch 21 using version GIT request_uri - The request URI of the incoming 'INVITE' associated with the creation of this channel. Syntax¶ Event: Newstate Channel: <value> ChannelState: <value This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch 18 originate¶ POST /channels¶. 7 using The DEVICE_STATE function can be used to retrieve the device state from any device state provider. BridgeID - Identifier of the bridge the channel is in, may be empty if not in one Aug 12, 2015 · I have Implemented 3 way calling feature using confbridge application from php agi. Channels to Endpoints¶ Aug 19, 2005 · After the call to Set, the global variable “foo” was obscured by the channel variable “foo”; ${FOO} and ${foo} both gave the value 8. EffectiveConnectedLineNum. The inclusion of asterisk/res_pjsip. Many applications return the result in a variable that you read to get the result of the application. 2. originate¶ POST /channels¶. ApplicationData - Data given to the currently executing application. billsec - Duration of the call once it was answered. Then there are the evaluations of expressions done in $[ . TimeToHangup - Absolute lifetime of the channel. mj ti yo gd ea qc ix lp jp zx